A wise man once said that you can learn a lot from a dog. I couldn’t agree more. Dogs are wonderful animals full of tremendous affection and companionship. They have nothing but love to give and are completely satisfied with a slobbery tennis ball, a good ol’ scratch on the belly or better yet a tasty treat! Speaking of which, check out my easy recipe for yummy homemade dog biscuits by clicking on FEAST. I’ve been a dog owner since I can remember. My life has been blessed with many special four legged friends. From sweet Lady when I was a child to Buck and Pearl now as a wife and mother. I can’t imagine not waking up and going to sleep with my lovable furry companions on a daily basis. I truly believe they make this world a better, kinder place.
Photos by Rebecca Sanabria.
Such a great post! Love the pics! And I also love dogs,growing up we always had a dogs but I never really got attached to them until now that I’m married and my husband and I have a 4 yr old boxer named Mac and I love him so much! He is so funny! God has blessed us so much with him! They are truly what God created,we can just look around us and see things he has made beautiful.
Oh your dogs are so sweet looking!!
They are gorgeous! Yin & Yang! Lookin identical except for color! Thought of my Lai’Ya when I saw the photo, she looks very similar! Gonna try the recipe, my baby loves when I freeze yogurt for her, she loves her icee! She likes fat free bannana…mmm mmm good!